Now in 60 Seconds: Three Myths about InfiniBand for AI Data Center Networking
Now in 60 Seconds: Three Myths about InfiniBand for AI Data Center Networking
Proprietary solutions that lock in enterprises may stifle AI innovation. Ethernet would be a more acceptable alternative for hosting AI workloads. Discover and dispel the top three myths about using InfiniBand for AI Data Center Networking.
You’ll learn
How Ethernet performance meets or exceeds InfiniBand
The scalability and flexibility of Ethernet and InfiniBand
How Ethernet’s long history makes it more secure and easily manageable
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0:00 [Music]
0:06 first stop infin band excels ethernet in
0:09 bandwidth and performance truth is that
0:12 ethernet has undergone significant
0:15 Evolution particularly with 800 gbps
0:18 interfaces RDMA over converged ethernet
0:21 and advanced condition management
0:23 mechanisms in fact ethernet now meets
0:26 and exceeds bandwidth and performance
0:28 demands for most AI applications and
0:31 enables faster completion rates of AIML
0:34 jobs next month infin band provides
0:38 better scale and
0:39 flexibility actually ethernet's wide
0:42 acceptance compatibility and cost
0:45 benefits make it highly scalable and
0:48 flexible option for networking in the AI
0:50 domain meanwhile infin band requires
0:54 specialized hardware and software
0:56 configuration
0:57 ecosystem and the final meth infin band
1:00 is more secure and easier to operate
1:03 with its long history ethernet actually
1:06 has more security and management
1:08 features and skill expertise is more
1:11 readily available than infiniband and
1:14 those are the top three infin band meds
1:16 in 60 Seconds
1:18 [Music]