Part 3 of 3 Video Series: IP Fabrics for Modern Data Centers

Data Center Architectures Part 3: IP fabrics for modern data centers
In the final part of this three-part video series, Juniper’s Arun Gandhi and Michal Styszynski discuss why IP fabrics are becoming the de-facto standard for modern data centers despite having traditional LAN data centers using legacy architecture.
You’ll learn
Why exactly IP fabrics are becoming so popular
The main physical topology differences between IP fabrics and traditional access/aggregation/core legacy architecture
Styszynski’s explanation of the logical part of the IP fabric design
Who is this for?

Guest speakers

00:00 [Music]
00:12 thanks for joining me for the last
00:13 session on the dc architectures
00:16 in the first session we discussed the
00:18 bgp unnumbered standard specified in rfc
00:22 5549
00:24 becoming increasingly popular in the
00:26 data center ip fabric ecosystem
00:29 how it compares to ebgp and how it is
00:32 easier to enable compared to the igp's
00:35 in the second session we discussed rocky
00:37 v2 for boosting data center efficiency
00:41 and data delivery performance
00:43 michael thanks for joining me for our
00:45 last session it in these has been a
00:47 pleasure to discuss foundational topics
00:50 and questions
00:52 as they are on top of the mind from many
00:54 data center technologies hey aaron
00:56 thanks for inviting me again it's a
00:58 pleasure as well on my end
01:00 thanks michael
01:01 so today michael i would like to double
01:03 click into another fundamental topic of
01:06 why ip fabrics using the the three stage
01:10 or the five stage data center
01:11 architectures are becoming the de facto
01:14 standard for modern data centers
01:17 so the question to you is uh michael a
01:20 traditional land data center used to be
01:22 deployed using access aggregation core
01:25 legacy architectures
01:27 and some level of ip awareness was also
01:29 there so why the ib fabric or ip class
01:33 are becoming so popular yeah good point
01:35 aaron so as a matter of fact so ip
01:37 fabrics are around for uh the last
01:39 couple of years actually highly deployed
01:42 by uh the main cloud providers we
01:45 observed that they got adoption also in
01:47 case of enterprise and telco clouds
01:49 right because of the robustness right so
01:52 we don't use any more of things like a
01:54 spanning tree with active standby
01:56 approach in case of ip fabrics we simply
01:59 use the active active
02:01 ipec and p forwarding from the the leaf
02:04 to spine and super spine or from t0 t1
02:08 and t2 a block of architecture right so
02:11 we are not relying on any proprietary
02:13 mechanisms anymore and it's quite often
02:15 based on ebgb simply uh at the leaf at
02:19 the spine and super spine and we get a
02:23 benefit of open standard architecture
02:25 which is
02:26 defined in some of the rfc documents for
02:28 example the one that is
02:30 7938
02:32 is is precisely describing what are the
02:35 recommendations to deploy that type of
02:37 ip fabrics highly scalable data center
02:40 bgpip fabrics right
02:42 excellent that makes a lot more sense so
02:46 what are the main physical topology
02:48 differences for ib fabric versus the
02:51 traditional layer 2 layer 3 ethernet
02:54 access core aggregation so in fact uh
02:57 aaron so when when you look at the three
02:59 stage five stage
03:00 type of architectures you don't have
03:02 usually the back-to-back links at the
03:05 given
03:06 stage of the architecture so for example
03:08 the tor or leaf device is usually not
03:11 connected to another tor device right
03:14 so in the legacy architecture sometimes
03:17 it was the case in case of ip fabrics we
03:20 don't connect at the given stage of the
03:22 architectural level of the architecture
03:25 by back-to-back connect
03:27 we don't use that anymore and when it
03:30 comes to the connectivities we don't
03:32 rely on any active standby model anymore
03:34 everything is uh just active active
03:36 based on the fact that we can use uh ipe
03:39 cnp on the chip itself right to reach
03:42 the destination ip we can go through
03:45 multiple links from the tour to the
03:47 studio to the to the spine right
03:50 and then uh obviously we can easily add
03:52 links into the architecture right so i
03:55 already mentioned that during our
03:57 storage video
03:58 and uh simply whenever the data is
04:00 growing when you're in in the data
04:02 center we can easily add these links to
04:05 the existing infrastructure without
04:08 changing the the design
04:10 dramatically right
04:12 and then the last thing is that the l2
04:14 domain
04:16 diameter is uh actually reduced or
04:19 contained in the top of the rack or
04:22 eventually in the pair of top of the
04:25 racks right so we don't extend these l2
04:27 domains usually in case of native ip
04:30 fabrics it's contained in the top of the
04:32 rock the rest is just ip routing right
04:34 using bgp or any of the igps we have on
04:37 the market right so these are the main
04:40 differences from the physical point of
04:42 view that you know we just follow the ip
04:45 clause type of architectures uh that is
04:48 predominantly used
04:50 in case of uh cloud provider networks
04:53 right so
04:54 we talked about the physical
04:55 characteristics of an ipv fabric what
04:58 about the logical part of the of the
05:01 design
05:03 hey so from logical point of view uh
05:06 traditionally we had in the access core
05:08 aggregation aggregation core
05:10 we had the uh first of ip gateways
05:12 somewhere in the aggregation or
05:14 sometimes even in the core usually in
05:16 the aggregation in case of ip fabrics
05:18 the first pipe gateways usually are
05:21 either the tor at the leaf for device
05:23 level right so that we can deploy on any
05:26 cast type of model and then uh all the
05:29 servers can uh can reach this personal
05:31 pipe gateway directly at the top of the
05:34 rack and so it means automatically that
05:38 that we reduce the blast radius in case
05:40 of any upgrades or failures of of the
05:43 top of the rocks
05:44 and then the other thing that is more
05:46 specific to pure ip fabrics is that
05:48 we have also a trend where actually the
05:51 server runs bgp
05:53 or any other form of routing protocol
05:56 and just connects through bgp to the top
05:58 of the rack
06:00 and then at the server level we just
06:02 through that bgp we advertise some uh
06:05 sort of of a veep
06:07 type of prefix
06:08 from all different servers so servers
06:10 are running bgp they connect through vgp
06:13 to the to the top of the rack that's the
06:15 new trend we also observe in the tier 2
06:18 cloud providers
06:21 and it's quite interesting because
06:23 thanks to that approach we are just
06:26 reducing the uh the utilization of the
06:28 lacp which is sometimes an easy thing to
06:32 put in place on the server but sometimes
06:34 it's not as easy as it uh as it as as it
06:37 is on the paper right and then the last
06:39 point is uh the load balancing
06:41 capabilities so whenever we start
06:43 investing in 100 gig 400 gig 800 gig we
06:47 want to make sure that the load
06:50 balancing capabilities of the top of the
06:52 rack are uh efficiently uh implemented
06:55 right so that this bandwidth is not
06:58 wasted right so that we use all of the
07:01 possible links in order to get the most
07:03 of the performances from the network
07:06 amazing absolutely incredible uh michael
07:09 so i appreciate the the discussion i
07:12 also appreciate
07:14 your time because these discussions have
07:16 been remarkable and very educative and
07:18 i'm sure i've learned quite a bit and
07:21 i'm sure our viewers too
07:23 uh so for all our viewers uh with this
07:25 we conclude our three-part video series
07:28 please feel free to reach out to juniper
07:30 networks for additional information or
07:32 questions
07:33 thank you
07:35 [Music]