Peter Mackenzie, Director of MQ Training Services

Future of Wi-Fi Tools

Peter Mackenzie

The Future of Wi-Fi Tools

Learn about modern approaches to wireless design and survey. In this Juniper-sponsored video, Peter Mackenzie, Director of MQ Training Services, and Jussi Kiviniemi, Founder and CEO of Hamina Wireless, discuss how the combination of AI automation and the integration of Hamina wireless design and survey tools with Juniper Mist is revolutionizing Wi-Fi design.

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You’ll learn

  • How modern survey tools save time and reduce costs for many types of Wi-Fi deployments by eliminating truck rolls

  • How live network RF analysis can replace traditional heat mapping

  • How one customer eliminated the need for truck rolls to 250 out of 300 sites

Who is this for?

Network Professionals


Peter Mackenzie
Peter Mackenzie
Director of MQ Training Services

Guest speakers

Jussi Kivienemi
Jussi Kivienemi
CEO, Hamina Wireless


0:00 in a world of cloud AI automation devops

0:06 I've been wondering do our traditional

0:09 approaches of doing Wireless design and

0:13 Survey where we send an engineer on site

0:16 to take ourf

0:18 measurements is that getting a little

0:21 bit out of date and is there a better

0:24 approach are they any better approaches

0:27 well I'm here at wlpc PR with um yussi

0:31 hey yuss hey Peter nice to see you man

0:34 yeah good to see you too you've got a

0:36 very um strong integration with juniper

0:40 correct and and the M

0:42 dashboard um what what are some the

0:45 benefits then of been able to integrate

0:47 a wireless design survey tool with a

0:51 wireless infrastructure vendor why do I

0:53 want to do that that's a that's a good

Automatic Deployment

0:55 point so so we kind of started with the

0:57 automatic deployment uh and and some

1:00 some others are are starting to follow

1:02 lead as well so but I think the big deal

1:05 comes from like truck rolls cost so much

1:08 money and and I I think like you know

1:11 side survey that's always a truck roll

1:13 automatically these days uh validation

1:16 site surveys I think are really really

1:18 good uh in in many many many locations

1:22 to kind of understand how the network

1:24 looks like from the client perspective

1:26 especially if you have this uh

1:28 non-carpeted space

1:30 where where most of the walls are maybe

1:32 not floor to ceiling but you have you

1:34 know uh warehouses factories things like

1:36 that I would always do a validation

1:38 survey to understand kind of how how it

1:40 looks like from the from the client

1:42 perspective or you have if you have any

1:43 kind of critical environment like

1:45 Hospital you definitely want to make

1:47 sure that the network works fre in

1:49 everywhere but if you look at things

1:50 like Corporate Offices Branch offices uh

1:54 you know these kind of sites for example

1:56 maybe there's some other ways especially

1:59 because the Wi-Fi systems today are so

2:02 smart and we can pull that RF data from

2:06 those Wi-Fi systems back into the Wi-Fi

2:08 design tools maybe there's some ways

2:10 there so we've kind of brought in things

2:12 like uh live Network RF analysis without

2:16 having to go on site uh this for example

2:19 we codeveloped with mist and launched at

2:21 the previous MFD uh but essentially what

2:25 that means is uh all the access points

2:27 are listening to all the other access

2:29 points all the time and then that data

2:32 can be fed it's like a humongous Matrix

2:33 of how every access point here's every

2:35 other access point U the the signal

2:38 strength readings everything we can take

2:40 all of that Matrix and then combine that

2:42 with our kind of propagation engine and

2:43 the 3D stuff whatever we do and then lay

2:46 down fairly accurate heat maps without

2:49 ever having to do a survey so we had a

2:51 customer a few weeks ago for example who

2:54 had like 300 sites some of them more

2:57 complex let's say 50 were more complex

3:00 but the 250 of the sites were actually

3:02 not very complex and they were floor to

3:04 ceiling walls and not too big and not

3:05 too critical so they ended up surveying

3:08 just those 50 sites and do doing our

3:12 what's called our automatic environment

3:14 modeling for the 250 sites so so they

3:17 just remotely once they had set up the

3:19 network remotely they check the heat

3:21 maps and like yeah looks great uh

3:23 there's no question that this will work

3:25 we don't need to send a person on site

3:27 so essentially site surveys

3:29 traditionally are about heat mapping now

3:31 we can construct those heat Maps based

3:34 on how every access point here's every

3:35 other access points brilliant so I

Survey Integration

3:38 wonder could we see some of these

3:40 integration I'm glad you asked and and

3:42 just consequently like like completely

3:45 um you know out of the blue appears a

3:47 laptop that happened to stand here and

3:49 let's take let's take a quick look at

3:51 that so you know the traditional uh

3:54 Network planning um that's here right uh

3:57 you know and and all of the juny APS

4:00 Wi-Fi 6C Wi-Fi 7 whatnot um and kind of

4:04 this we just brought real ESS to the

4:07 network planning but this is this is all

4:08 new so this is actually uh when I moved

4:11 to the survey tab now this is actual

4:14 measured side survey data right yeah so

4:17 that is where we've sent an engineer EXA

4:19 on site they've gone around they've done

4:21 the survey and they've got some measured

4:22 data exactly right so very much our two

4:25 traditional approaches then for doing

4:26 survey yep yep yep and then so so from

4:30 that then we can take that data and what

4:34 we can do is we can export that can we

4:36 into into junip Peres we we can do even

4:40 better so so if I click live uh we

4:43 actually get that kind of kind of like

4:45 similar uh heat map as we saw in the

4:47 survey let's let's take a look at it

4:49 from the from top down and this is now

4:52 the network in its running state right

4:55 now uh actually not when we surveyed it

4:58 not when we sign it it's right now so so

5:02 that is right now right now exactly as

5:05 it's operating right now absolutely

5:07 that's amazing so

5:10 actually if you've got that

5:12 integration um and you you want to do

5:15 what I would classes I normally call

5:17 them an assessment survey y so so a

5:20 customers maybe the requirements might

5:21 have changed from um when the network

5:24 was installed and they actually you to

5:26 go in and maybe go does our Network meet

5:29 our requirements not the requirements of

5:31 when we installed it um that would

5:33 traditionally mean I'm going on site I'm

5:36 walking around I'm taking some out of

5:38 measurements the what you showed is a

5:41 survey data but what you're saying now

5:42 is I

5:43 could have a API connection Absolut to

M Cloud

5:47 the m cloud and I can actually go

5:49 without sending an NG on the site what

5:51 does it actually look like today exactly

5:53 right exactly right and when whenever uh

5:56 I I go to live it's updated so so and

5:59 you can see environment learning model

6:01 updated and that's where uh you know all

6:03 the aps heard all the aps we took that

6:06 data and we calibrated the what's called

6:08 a prediction model and now this because

6:11 it's live I of course cannot move the

6:13 radios CU this live uh status comes from

6:16 the M dashboard so you have your access

6:19 points on the dashboard you have

6:20 everything here this is the source of

6:22 truth right this is what you know where

6:26 you have the most upto-date information

6:29 whenever whenever you do anything and

6:31 and if you want to move the aps if you

6:32 want to add APS things like that you can

6:34 do them either in hamina and then export

6:36 the changes to mist or you can control

6:38 it in Mist but mist is always the source

6:40 of Truth for us this is the same exact

6:43 side but hamina just gives a visual

6:46 layer on top of it so just come back to


6:49 my original question then there's sort

6:51 of traditional serving design

6:54 methodology where we go on site we take

6:56 our

6:57 measurements is that going

7:01 away are we moving to a point where we

7:04 don't need to do that anymore what your

7:06 what's your Force I don't think it's a

7:08 black and white answer uh I think s

7:10 surveys will always be necessary CU

7:12 that's the only way we can understand

7:14 like client level RF environment it's

7:17 not for after these kind of changes it's

7:20 not necessary maybe for all the

7:23 environments but for critical and you

7:26 know quirky uh not floor to ceiling like

7:28 not carpet space environments I think it

7:31 still very much has its place however

7:34 like you know truck rolls all of that

7:38 like even thought of like doing a survey

7:40 every time you travel shoot I I've

7:42 always found it a bit quirky but now now

7:44 it's you know completely completely

7:47 abely right it is a bit quirky and and

7:49 we're still going to have to survey for

7:51 new deployments aren we there not

7:54 exactly right you're so going to be

7:55 having to go out and take some

7:56 measurements absolutely on site and

7:58 visit the

8:00 yeah yeah

8:03 even measurements just where do I place

8:07 APS you need to be on side sometimes

8:09 absolutely but but I think once a

8:11 Network's deployed I think this is going

8:15 to provide a great benefit to the user

8:18 and I think it's really great to see you

8:21 know it's great to see junip it's great

8:22 to see ham working together to actually

8:24 make all of this possible so

8:25 congratulations to both thank you thank

8:28 you

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