Julius Francis, Head of Product Marketing

Fireside Chat: The Urgent Need for WAN Modernization

WAN400G & 800G
Julius Francis

Fireside Chat: The Urgent Need for WAN Modernization

Demands on enterprise networks are expanding at an unprecedented rate. In this video, Juniper Networks' AE Natarajan, EVP and Chief Development Officer, and Julius Francis, Head of Product Marketing, discuss why NOW is a critical time for enterprise WAN modernization.

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You’ll learn

  • Why there is an urgent need for WAN modernization

  • What external factors impact enterprises and their networks

Who is this for?

Network Professionals Business Leaders


Julius Francis
Julius Francis
Head of Product Marketing

Guest speakers

AE Natarajan
AE Natarajan
EVP and Chief Development Officer


0:00 welcome everyone I am Julius Francis

0:02 head of product marketing for the van

0:03 business here at jiper networks today we

0:06 are diving into a critical topic for

0:08 businesses worldwide the urgent need for

0:11 Van modernization the reality is clear

0:14 the demands on Enterprise networks are

0:16 expanding at an unprecedented rate this

0:18 brings us to a critical question why is

0:21 modernizing Van infrastructure so

0:23 essential right now we are here to

0:26 explore this question in detail with our

0:28 own AE the ex vice president and general

0:31 manager leading our van business welcome

0:34 a a how are current market dynamics

Current Market Dynamics

0:38 shaping the demand for advanced

0:40 networking Solutions particularly in the

0:42 context of the AI error and increasing

0:45 data traffic uh it's very interesting

0:48 because um when we first started with

0:51 networks um there was always a human

0:54 appetite for more and more bandwidth and

0:56 more and more increase and as

0:58 applications and things grew uh whether

1:01 it was video and uh other applications

1:03 they started increasing it but recently

1:06 with the Advent of AI uh learning and

1:09 training where huge amounts of data is

1:12 being actually trained on models the

1:15 network requirements of them have

1:16 suddenly skyrocketed to a much higher

1:19 level than what it usually used to be

1:22 and it requires a network that is

1:25 completely completely non-blocking so

1:28 that this can actually have the AI

1:31 training and the AI learning and the

1:33 inferences go through so smoothly that

1:36 it is necessary for us to look at that

1:38 the second aspect of it is when you

1:41 build on

1:42 AI all of the gpus that you use in AI

1:46 are power hungry once they are power

1:48 hungry more and more power has to go

1:51 into all of the systems that you build

1:53 so everybody has to be conscious of how

1:57 you build sustainable

2:00 architectures and Network Solutions that

2:03 can actually be used all over the world

2:06 and also be cognizant of the CO2

2:10 emissions and the ability for us to

2:12 actually have science-based targets to

2:14 really reduce and make it more and more

2:17 green as we move forward because

2:19 otherwise we'll just be consuming a lot

2:21 more power and it's also very expensive

2:24 that actually brings us to the third

2:26 most important Point economic

2:28 considerations when you build these

2:30 things they're getting more and more

2:31 expensive they're not just getting

2:34 expensive in terms of the Capital

2:36 Equipment that you buy but also

2:38 expensive in terms of operating it so we

2:41 need to look at the total cost of

2:43 ownership of building the network and

2:47 operating it and make it lot more coste

2:49 effective across both a capex and an

2:52 Opex model in

2:53 total a your insides bring us to a d

WAN Challenges

2:57 Point van modernization is not merely

3:00 beneficial it is

3:02 essential so what are some of the key

3:05 challenges that enterpris are facing

3:07 with competitive Solutions especially

3:09 regarding their van infrastructure yeah

3:12 there are several things that actually

3:13 happen when um they have these Solutions

3:17 first and foremost uh if you have to

3:19 upgrade your network more frequently

3:23 because there is changing and growing

3:25 needs and many of those Solutions which

3:28 are not necessarily future proofed or

3:30 architectures are changing to adapt to

3:33 the newer uh environment and the changes

3:36 that causes a huge pain because you have

3:39 to actually bring down tear down

3:41 networks or build Shadow networks switch

3:44 over all of these things cause

3:46 disruptions in service and solutions and

3:48 in this case we've actually seen some of

3:51 the competitive equipment starting from

3:53 2018 change about four five times where

3:56 they had to switch architectures and

3:58 build new things second when you do

4:01 these kind of changes which are more

4:03 intrusive and you have to rip and

4:04 replays or you have to build a Shadow

4:06 make before break kind of things you're

4:08 going to introduce operational risks and

4:11 costs when you switch over something

4:13 you're going to disrupt service you're

4:14 going to build a lot of unhappy

4:16 customers you're going to have

4:18 backlashes and some of these things also

4:20 cost a lot of money because you might

4:23 actually have to have a double bubble to

4:25 do many of these things right many

4:28 vendors also give give you a single

4:31 silicon strategy so they basically say

4:33 one size fits all and when they do that

4:36 what happens is when there is different

4:39 use cases and different needs you're

4:41 trying to actually take a round Peg and

4:44 put it in a square hole or vice versa

4:46 like that and it doesn't necessarily fit

4:48 you just shoe on it and that creates a

4:51 lot of problems and it also gives them

4:53 lack of flexibility and ability to

4:56 actually adapt to the growing and

4:58 changing needs

Juniper Strategy

5:00 that's wonderful wonderful but what you

5:02 have described underscores that

5:04 modernizing van goes beyond just simply

5:06 keeping up with traffic demands

5:08 selecting the right vendor for the

5:10 transformational journey is crucial for

5:12 the long-term operational success for

5:14 the Enterprises so let's get into the

5:16 next question on Juniper strategy and

5:18 how we can help so how do Juniper

5:21 Solutions based on Modern platform and

5:24 silicon differentiate themselves and

5:27 what value do they bring to the

5:28 customers so first and foremost the

5:31 biggest value which we talked about is

5:34 Longevity if you really look at some of

5:36 our customers who bought an MX router

5:40 Way Way Back 10 12 years 15 years have

5:43 been reusing it and adding new line

5:45 cards and increasing the capacity that

5:48 way they have longevity of the system

5:51 the second part of it is every time we

5:54 build a new line car we actually put a

5:57 lot of thought into sustainability and

6:00 power optimization the newer line cards

6:03 in an MX for example would use 75% or

6:07 74% lower power than the previous

6:10 Incarnation so as you upgrade to these

6:12 new technologies without changing the

6:14 chassis or any of those cards right

6:16 there you're going to get a benefit of

6:18 sustainability and you're also going to

6:20 have longevity the second part of it is

6:24 the Silicon strategy what we do is we

6:27 actually build our own silicon

6:30 and we also use Merchant silicon for

6:32 certain use cases the reason why we

6:35 build our own silicon is our silicon is

6:38 highly programmable and manages the

6:41 scale and performance that needs for

6:43 growing and changing demands the

6:45 programmability is so important the

6:48 classic example is when segment routing

6:50 came into place none of the competitive

6:53 npus could actually handle segment

6:56 routing our Trio which is built 3 four

6:59 years before even segment routing was

7:01 conceived was the most scalable npu that

7:05 could handle segment routing as a clear

7:07 example of how our our silicon is custom

7:11 built and custom usable across all of

7:13 the use cases of the growing needs and

7:16 we future proof it as we build it last

7:19 but not the least is Automation and

7:22 stability we automate because it saves

7:26 Opex it saves and makes things a lot

7:29 more easier we give lot of apis which

7:33 are not bound customers can actually

7:35 build tools automation tools we have our

7:38 own automation story with Paragon that

7:40 actually helps customers onboard devices

7:44 configure devices and collect Telemetry

7:47 and observability and build AI Ops to

7:50 actually manage and operate their

7:51 networks in the most efficient manner I

Customer Value

7:55 like the way you you outlined the

7:57 strategy our strategy is clearly

7:58 anchored on three pillars performance

8:01 sustainability and automation thanks for

8:03 connecting the dots on how these

8:05 distinct values are crucial to

8:08 addressing customer pains we talked

8:09 about earlier so let's get to the next

8:12 question on why customers are switching

8:14 to Juniper Solutions and what value they

8:18 experienced it is uh it is interesting

8:21 the I'll give you an example one of the

8:23 service providers when I actually met

8:25 him he said I love your MX the reason

8:29 why he said he loves the MX is if I had

8:32 an this is a true example he said if I

8:35 had an MX in the closet and I had to

8:38 dust it off and bring it back 5 years

8:41 from now plug it in and it powers on and

8:43 it works and I have a new application

8:46 I'm very confident it'll work what it

8:48 means is we build future proofing

8:51 long-term stability and reduce the

8:53 disruption when they use juniper

8:56 Solutions and products so that that is

8:59 an important aspect of why as people and

9:04 customers who use us over the years and

9:07 some of them have been using these

9:09 devices for 18 years right it's amazing

9:12 what they do second when you have this

9:15 longevity and you're able to reuse all

9:17 of these things it actually preserves

9:20 your

9:21 investment it is important because it

9:24 saves you from disrupting the network

9:28 creating outages which is also business

9:31 critical for you and you don't need to

9:34 spend as much money as you move forward

9:37 to meet the growing and changing

9:39 demands last but not the least we

9:42 constantly focus on

9:45 sustainability this is where we bring in

9:48 the edge where we are not just socially

9:51 responsible to reduce carbon emissions

9:54 and use less power but the fact it also

9:58 pays back because power costs have been

10:01 going up the roof in the recent years

10:04 energy costs in particular geographies

10:06 like Europe and other places have gone

10:09 up like multiple hundred times over the

10:12 years and this is a great way for them

10:15 to actually be cost effective in what

10:17 they do so customers really love to use

10:19 this there's a great example of a high

10:23 security government use case that we

10:26 recently won they took our best selling

10:29 in MX recent product the

10:31 mx34 they loved the performance they

10:34 loved the sustainability and they were

10:36 able to actually build the Security

10:37 Solutions and connect their van with the

10:40 van 2x solutions that we have actually

10:42 brought in it's a great program for us

10:45 to actually win this customer and win it


10:48 big thank you a I think you mentioned

10:50 van 2x let's get to that um because it's

10:53 great to see customers are experiencing

10:55 tangible results and that we are gaining

10:57 significant momentum on that front

11:00 before we conclude one major concern for

11:02 Enterprises transitioning from an

11:05 outdated competitive solution to Modern

11:07 Network infrastructure is a potential

11:09 complexity cost and risk associated with

11:12 the migration how does joury PR

11:14 mitigates these challenges and smooth

11:16 the transion process it's it's it's very

11:19 important that we actually handle this

11:21 well because the customers have a

11:23 network that is running and it's

11:25 providing Services the biggest challenge

11:28 that they have in their mind is when I

11:30 switch from this to a more modern system

11:34 how quickly can I make it go up how

11:36 quickly can I migrate my services how

11:38 quickly can I get my customers onboarded

11:41 onto this new network that I have with

11:43 all of these things what we do is we

11:47 provide you a van 2x program where this

11:49 migration is a lot more smoother easy

11:52 and seamless first things first you get

11:55 the paragan automation for free which

11:57 gives you capabilities to to onboard our

12:00 devices configure our devices and build

12:03 out the network in a free costeffective

12:06 manner for your operating cost the

12:08 second part of it that we do is config

12:12 convers uh conversions you take a

12:14 competitive uh config and we have

12:17 capabilities with tools Automation and

12:21 in fact we've even recently introduced

12:23 the llm connector which actually has AI

12:25 capabilities to convert configs with

12:28 parameterization that makes it a lot

12:30 easier for us to change from somebody

12:33 else's config to a juniper configuration

12:36 that provides the same feature

12:38 functionality that they would need to

12:41 build their service this makes it a lot

12:44 more seamless and lot more easier for

12:46 them last but not the least we also give

12:49 them flexible service credits this is

12:51 equivalent to 20% of their purchase

12:53 order that they can actually use for

12:56 training purposes for Professional

12:58 Services and other Advanced Training and

13:00 other things that they can leverage this

13:03 benefit from them this is gaining a lot

13:05 of momentum since we launched we're

13:07 seeing a lot of interest and a lot of

13:09 customers coming to us to make this

13:11 happen and we've actually had a few

13:15 migrations that proves to ourself that

13:18 we can actually do it a lot more

13:19 seamlessly for the customers that is a

13:21 big win thank you AE our conversation


13:25 today underscores a clear truth V

13:27 modernization is not just advantages it

13:29 is essential Enterprises that do not

13:32 modernize their van infrastructure with

13:34 the right vendor will find it difficult

13:37 to match the speed of innovation

13:38 stability scalability and performance

13:41 demanded today's digital landscape at

13:44 Juniper we recognize these challenges

13:47 and we are dedicated to facilitating

13:48 seamless and straightforward transition

13:51 we have crafted a comprehensive

13:52 migration strategy away from aging

13:55 competitive solutions that eliminates

13:58 the typical ction points associated with

14:00 such a transition thank you a for such a

14:03 fabulous discussion and for sharing your

14:05 insights and thank you for everyone for

14:07 watching for additional information

14:09 check out the links

14:12 [Music]

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