Juniper — Elevated Simplicity — The NOW Way to Network

The NOW Way to Network AI & ML

The NOW Way to Network: Elevated Simplicity

Are you ready to take your business to a whole new level? Juniper’s AI-Native Networking Platform makes everything so much simpler. It’s self-configuring, self-detecting, and self-healing, helping you tackle network complexity with the industry’s best AIOps.

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You’ll learn

  • How to fix issues proactively—before they can affect users—in half the time

  • How to handle whatever your business demands

  • About the platform that can help you rise above the fray

Who is this for?

Network Professionals Business Leaders


0:00 welcome to the now wa to network they

0:03 switch to Juniper's AI native Network

0:06 and everything's simpler so they can

0:08 take their game to a whole new

0:11 level because now their network is

0:13 self-configuring self-detecting and

0:16 self-healing they even have a virtual

0:17 assistant named Marvis so they can

0:19 simply ask the network how's the Wi-Fi

0:22 today that's the now way to network at

0:24 work with real AI letting you rise above

0:27 it all

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