AI-Powered Campus Networks: Insights on University Tech Transformations

Ronald van Loon, Top Global AI & IoT Influencer, Juniper Networks Partner & CEO at Intelligent World, and Sudheer Matta, Group Vice President Products at Juniper Networks talk about the insights on university tech transformations with AI-powered campus networks.
You’ll learn
How the University of Texas, Dallas gets the best user-experience
What technology is required to get the best user-experience
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0:00 an AI driven higher educational campus
0:04 like we're here at the University of
0:05 Texas in Dallas and I am here with an
0:08 expert in this domain with sudir Mata
0:11 you're the group vice president of
0:13 product management for AI driven
0:15 Enterprises at Juniper and we are going
0:18 to dive in how the unit University of
0:21 Texas in Dallas get great user
0:23 experiences for the professors for their
0:25 students and for all the facility people
0:27 that work over here let's dive into it
0:30 can you explain how the University of
0:33 Texas here in Dallas gets the best user
0:35 experience first of all Ron thank you
How the University of Texas Dallas gets the best user experience
0:37 for the time I really appreciate the
0:39 opportunity you know Wi-Fi is a and and
0:42 networks are basically like utilities on
0:44 higher ed right they just have to be
0:46 always on that always work right and so
0:49 what we have done with with juniper with
0:51 the AI drone Enterprise technology is
0:53 we've brought AI such that we could
0:57 optimize the network to to work well in
1:00 a high density environment like higher
1:03 education higher education universities
How Juniper has applied AI to optimize the network
1:05 are the melting pots of network I mean
1:06 every Christmas every semester they get
1:09 new devices and it's all over the map in
1:12 terms of the the demand on the network
1:13 so what we've done is really apply AI to
1:17 make the network self-organizing
1:19 self-optimizing and perform at a high
1:21 level all the time and so we've done
1:23 really well especially you know you're
1:25 coming from Netherlands you know in the
1:27 Europe University of Oxford University
1:29 of Bristol University of Plymouth
1:30 University of Amsterdam you know a lot
1:33 of higher ed in the US here you know
1:35 lots of universities that that we've
1:37 actually deployed at of course we are
1:39 here at the host uh University of Texas
1:40 Dallas they've had the network now for
1:43 about three four years it's been a great
1:44 experience so far and there was 20 000
1:47 students over here and some have three
1:49 four five devices so what is really
1:51 required for a university like this uh
1:54 what do they need from infrastructure
1:55 what do they need from wireless access
1:57 points yeah so what what they do is a
What do they need from wireless access points
2:00 tip typically it starts with a wired
2:03 Network the switching network has to be
2:04 robust rock solid has to be able to
2:07 power the access points a lot of
2:09 universities still run Legacy you know
2:11 switching platforms so what what UT
2:13 Dallas here did is they first upgraded
2:15 the infrastructure away from Cisco to
2:18 Juniper switching and that became the
2:20 foundation and started plugging in
2:22 building by building literally you know
2:24 the the migration that was done here it
2:26 started in the it building literally you
2:28 plug in a few APS and you know leave the
2:31 rest of the network the same way student
2:33 experience is the same we they can roam
2:36 across the Cisco and the Juniper
2:37 Networks while doing the migration and
2:39 that's what they've done they're
2:41 organically grown deploying access
2:43 points in these buildings slowly into
2:45 the campus and we're now fully deployed
2:48 on the UT Dallas campus here yeah and we
2:50 started with the AI driven Enterprise
2:52 the AI driven campus basically that's
2:54 right can you explain how Universe
2:56 helping such universities with this AI
How Universe can help
2:58 yeah so the AI fundament currently has
3:01 has you know let's say three primary
3:04 drives first things first we want to
3:06 make this to be the fastest deployment
3:08 you have ever done on campus you ask any
3:11 University that has deployed Juniper
3:13 Mist they will tell you this is the
3:15 fastest deployment they have ever done
3:17 of networking on Campus number one
3:19 number two we want you to have the
3:22 fewest tickets on campus meaning student
3:25 open Student Open tickets right so a lot
3:28 of universities UMass Amherst you know
3:30 University of Texas Dallas or LinkedIn
3:32 they've measured over 90 reduction in
3:36 student Open tickets so first make it
3:38 fast to deploy make it easy to deploy
3:40 second the fewest complaints from the
3:42 user but the third thing that we are
3:45 doing on higher education campuses like
3:47 UT Dallas and UT Arlington is we want to
3:50 make the campus a rich digital platform
3:52 we want you to walk into a campus and
3:55 feel like the campus can speak to you
3:57 digitally speaking so we're deploying
4:00 location Based Services on higher
4:02 education campuses if you're a new
4:04 student on campus and and you want to
4:06 find the next classroom you need to go
4:08 to if you're a parent on campus visiting
4:10 a student and you want to do a tour of
4:12 the campus you have a self-driven mobile
4:15 app that you could tour the campus with
4:18 turn by turn indoor and outdoor
4:20 navigation so digitizing the campus
4:22 fewer tickets better user experience and
4:25 then easy to deploy and operate for it
4:27 yeah and the students they don't care as
4:29 long as it's working very well that's
4:30 what I need and we have seen it
4:32 ourselves we had a great tour over here
4:33 and we have heard it from the speakers
4:35 today yeah very very very insightful
4:39 thanks a lot for the tour thanks a lot
4:41 for the insights and for the audience
4:42 thank you for watching and we look
4:44 forward to seeing you next time thank
4:46 you
4:49 [Music]
4:59 thank you