
AI-Native Networks Put Location Services at the Core of the Student Experience

A fireside chat with Wayne Ortman, Chief Network Officer at Emory University, and Mike Newcomb, CTO of U.S. Higher Education at Juniper Networks, as they address how networks can support innovations on academic campuses.

Wired & Wireless Access
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Learn about location services.

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Here’s what you will learn

Location services have advanced beyond Bluetooth beacons and Wi-Fi tags. An AI-Native wireless platform can analyze how and where students are interacting with the network to help them navigate the campus, ease class registrations, provide critical campus safety information, and even offer insights for student wellness and retention. 

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How networks support innovation

When learning can happen anywhere, your network has to be everywhere.

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How student, faculty, and administrators can benefit from location services

From campus wayfinding to health and safety, location services offer transformative experiences.

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How AI-Native Networking advances location services

Designing, deploying, and managing networks that support innovative location-based applications has never been easier with Juniper’s AI-Native Networking Platform.