
Ops4AI Demo: Optimizing High-Performance Networks

Explore the key considerations for designing and optimizing AI data center network fabrics, compare Ethernet and InfiniBand performance, and understand the variables driving data flow, efficiency, and cost.

Data Center

Optimize and scale

Learn how to achieve efficiency and scalability in high-performance AI data center infrastructure.

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Learn how to maximize performance and value

This demo will give you the insights you need to make informed choices on fabric configurations and loss tolerance, so you can maximize your AI infrastructure’s performance and ROI.

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Ethernet vs. InfiniBand performance

Understand the advantages and trade-offs of Ethernet and InfiniBand in high performance environments

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The necessity of nonblocking fabrics

The performance and cost-effectiveness of fully nonblocking (1:1) and oversubscribed (2:1) models

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Lossless or mostly lossless

When allowing for controlled packet loss can actually improve overall network performance and reduce resource requirements