Web Services Provider Simplifies Its Path to Multicloud Hybrid Hosting

PlusServer’s customers range from the most demanding, data-driven enterprises to typical businesses that rely on the provider for everyday applications, networking, and security. PlusServer wanted to enhance its service offerings, meeting strong demand for managed hosting and private cloud services as well as easy integration with hyperscale cloud providers such as AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud.


Company PlusServer
Industry SaaS Services
Products used MX960MX480MX240QFX10008 and QFX10016QFX5100EX3400
Region EMEA
"Having Juniper in our core network makes it easier to deliver quality and performance and lowers operational costs."
Andreas Niehaus Head of Technical Project Management, PlusServer

Business Challenge

Rather than compete against hyperscale cloud providers, PlusServer wanted to work with them. Doing so would help PlusServer offer the comprehensive array of managed hosting and private cloud services its customers expect. But the move required them to build a top-performing, secure multicloud hybrid hosting environment and core data center network while keeping operating costs down.