Bolstering the Core Helps Build Real-Time Digital Campus

The University of Tsukuba revamped its core network so it could support the latest technologies, including connectivity to the SINET5 research network.

The University of Tsukuba was founded in 1973 to transform university education in Japan and make it open to all. Its two-campus network needed faster speeds and support for new technologies to stay current and competitive.


Company University of Tsukuba
Industry Education
Products used MX480Junos OS
Region APAC
University of Tsukuba Image
“The solution from Juniper Networks is highly reliable and durable, and provides a high-performance, flexible infrastructure.”
Akira Sato Associate Professor, Network Research and Development Department, Academic Computing and Communications Center, University of Tsukuba

Business Challenge

An outdated network couldn’t support the latest technologies, and the university wanted an open, secure foundation for success in the digital world. Staff were also finding it difficult to manage switches in separate locations and isolated systems that were added to the network over time.

Technology Solution

The university revamped its backbone with Juniper EX Series Ethernet switches and MX480 3D Universal Edge Routers. It uses the EX Series’ Virtual Chassis technology to combine access switches at the building level, reducing the number of units it has to manage.

Business Results

When it consolidated switches in a single location, the university reduced its administrative load and support costs. It also gained support for the latest technologies, such as SINET5 connectivity, cloud services, and smart devices.

“We are also looking forward to Juniper’s expanded security portfolio, as we are considering revamping our authentication infrastructure.”
Akira Sato Associate Professor, Network Research and Development Department, Academic Computing and Communications Center, University of Tsukuba